How Chalked Up Paint Was Born

People ask me how a single mum of 3 young girls going through a marriage breakdown came to develop Chalked Up Furniture Paint.

I’ve always found painting therapeutic. I get deep satisfaction when I give something a new lease of life.

So, a few years ago when my mother bought some imported chalk paint to use on an old piece of furniture I had to try it, too.

I loved the finish that chalk paint gives timber. I even started using it on other items, like old bottles, vases and boxes.

But, the imported chalk paint was quite expensive and hard to obtain where I live in the Upper Hunter Valley of NSW.

Now, I’m always up for a challenge. At school, I had a talent for chemistry, so I decided to try making my own chalk paint.

I started by researching the different ingredients. It took lots of trial and error mixing them to finally get the consistency I wanted.

Then came my Eureka moment. I needed to change the ph level of my paint and discovered that a cheap, simple ingredient I had at home did the job perfectly.

When I shared my paint with family members they said it was as good as the imported brand.

Seeing a market for an affordable, Australian-made chalk paint I decided to turn my hobby into a business.

Now, I can make an income and run my business from home, so I’m there for my girls before and after school.

And, that’s how Chalked Up Paint was born!”

- Alyssa.

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